• Kari is a Young Man carrying on the Traditions. Mother Jennifer Black Elk, Grandfather Wallace Black Elk, If you have a chance to hear him. He will change your life.

  • Terri (Sings with Ravens) Rivera or Ho Waste Winyan, means Good Voice or Good Talk Woman, Dakota name implies you speak the truth and from your heart. One of the founders of Serpent Mound Star Knowledge Peace Summits.

    She grew up in Idaho along the Snake River and now lives just three miles from the Serpent Mound at the alternateuniverserockshop.com. Both her Home/Shop are on the southeastern edge of a five-mile wide impact crater and sit a top of a 17.5 km long fault line that is miles deep. That combination emits a constant flow of positive energy. Terri has presented at workshops throughout the U.S. and Mexico and has worked with healers from around the world to hold spiritual retreats in various global locations.

    As a singer/songwriter she was nominated for a Native American Music Award and came in runner-up in the John Lennon song writing contest.

  • Grandmother Silverstar~

    ~Dedicated to the Children of the Seventh Generation, guided by The Star Nation Ancestors, Spiritual Teacher Grandmother SilverStar, Wiċaḣpi Mázaskáska Waṡté Wiŋ, (one of the Original Code Carriers of Turtle Island) travels The Four Directions of Mother Earth sharing the 52,000-year old MorningStar Teachings of Creator, the 11:11, 12:12 and 13:13 Star Knowledge Symbols (Light Codes) that carry the LOVE Frequency and AWAKEN Human DNA Consciousness. In Galactic Time cycles, the Stellar DNA Light encoding, the sacred Laws of Creation, help Two-Leggèds raise our vibration to INFINITE LOVE, EVOLVE, and become Genuine Human Being for the benefit of All Relations on The Galactic Tree of Life as we begin The Golden Age of Light. O sa da dv ~ Mitakuyé Oyasiŋ ~

  • Willow Grace~Patricia Tate is an educator and consultant. She has built a successful business that educates, informs and inspires. She has 34 years’ experience with students and adults, with a Masters in Adult Education and in Counseling. She offers consultations, workshops, and classes at Willow Grace Mystik LLC where she uses her knowledge of astrology to help you recognize your strengths and improve your connections with others. She leads groups, classes and workshops on health and wellness to provide people with a path to their authentic self. Her intentions are to help you grow and expand your mind, body and spirit.

  • Nikki Zephier is the daughter of the late Chief Golden Light Eagle, one of the “Original Code Carriers” of Turtle Island. For over 25 years her father shared indigenous knowledge through books, conferences, talks and more. In 1996, he organized the first Star Knowledge 11:11 gathering. 

    While her father was teaching all around Turtle Island, he was clearing a path for her to continue his legacy. During this time, she has been hard at work raising 5 children and is now the grandmother of 1 child. Her mother and father have passed down a heart full of unconditional love and compassion for all nations and races that she carries with her. 

    To carry on her father’s legacy, she has organized the next Star Knowledge 11:11 gathering being held in Wagner South Dakota on November 11th- 13th 2022. This event will be held as a remembrance of her father and to bring people from all nations, colors, and beliefs together. An amazing panel of wisdom keepers in the form of indigenous leaders, artist, teachers, and speakers from all around have been assembled. The people she has gathered are there to share their knowledge and love to all those that attend the event.

  • Carla Poluha, Red Tent Facilitator and Community Gatherer Co-Host of Serpent Mound Star Knowledge Peace SummitsCarla has acquired many certifications and titles in her professional life, she believed she would climb the professional ladder of success, but much to her surprise , her well thought out plan was interseeded by Creator. There was a far better plan without limitations . All she would be required to do was let go and allow the Inner Goddess to flow and hear the call to gather the women in Red Tents . Red Tents are held during the energy of the new moon , a time when women naturally go within and are most in need of community . It is during this time that women must gather in circle to reclaim the wisdom of our ancestors. To get back into nature to embrace the medicines and recall the ways of our culture and lineage that was once forgotten . Carla is truly a champion of women and gatherer of community. Her passion for peace within humanity comes from her life experiences through adoption. This experience left her to uncover and come to a growing understanding of the core wound within all women and of humanity. This core wound of sex and sexuality is the root that ails all beings . Without uncovering and embracing core wounds we become warriors out to defend and destroy any and all who do not share our beliefs . It’s time to put down the swords with the knowledge that we are already free . The systems are broken , they do not require to be fixed . It’s time to experience liberation and create new ways of being that serve humanity and not the systems. Carla is constantly practicing the balance of creative ideas, passion in the heart and opening to the unfolding of experiences through LOVE

  • Chief Golden Light Eagle helped Iowa Department of Natural Resources' Wildlife Diversity Program member Pat Schlarbaum with reintroducing Ospreys to Iowa. Chief continues to be a fountain of inspiration concerning other species that include: Bald Eagles, Peregrine Falcons, American Kestrels, Prairie Chickens, River Otters, Sandhill Cranes and Trumpeter Swans.

  • Joseph S Plum

    Celtic Bard - Deep Mystic Image Poetry

    Joseph S Plum is a poet in the Bardic tradition and an award winning acrylic artist. He is the direct descendant of Welsh Bards and of Native American Spirit. Joe lives off the grid in rural Iowa. It is there in the solitude of the trees that he composes poetry and art of original nature. The high trance inducing content of his work suggests fragments of holistic vision that induce a higher state of consciousness.

  • Perry Little is a 58 years old keeper of the sacred horse society council member for the ihanktonwan nation traditional dancer and horse rider.

  • Phil Nathan Lane Jr. (born 1944) is an enrolled member of the Ihanktonwan Dakota and Chickasaw Nations, and is a citizen of both Canada and the United States. With master's degrees in Education at National University and Public Administration at the University of Washington, Chief Phil Lane Jr. is an indigenous leader in human and community development. The founder and chairman of the Four World's International Institute (FWII), an organization dedicated to "unifying the human family through the Fourth Way", Chief Phil Lane Jr. is the recipient of many awards, including the John Denver Windstar Award, and is a frequent speaker on behalf of indigenous rights and wisdom.

  • SoulEye

    Souleye’s musical career began in the trunk of a car. The rapper, hip-hop artist and songwriter was on his way to a party in pastoral New England hill country in a car so laden down with his friends that he and another teen hopped in the trunk. The year was 1996, and Souleye was still Mario Treadway, a high school kid and basketball player who had spent his entire life in the New England backwoods around Sturbridge, MA.

    For the last twenty years, that sense of spiritual connection has driven Souleye’s music and life. From a mountainside bonfire to Mount Shasta, in Northern California, he has followed a path not of his own creation. Like the freestyle lyrics that flow through his songs, Souleye’s musical journey has unfolded from somewhere beyond him, somewhere in the intersection of coincidence and opportunity. In 2009, while on a meditation gathering, he met singer-songwriter Alanis Morissette. They married in 2010 and he opened her 2012 “Guardian Angel” world tour. The couple have two children, Ever and Onyx Solace, and make their home in Los Angeles.

  • Dove Mosis is a father, poet, producer, musician and visionary healing artist. He is the founding architect of the HipHopMedicine record label and film company (Where Hip Hop and Healing are One). He has certified 1000s of people in the ThetaHealing art form over the last 15 years and he has also developed his own creative thought technique titled “YourFavoriteFuture”.






    Tyler Kiwala is an ET experiencer, independent researcher and passionate disclosure activist. Most popularly known in the awakening community for Journey To Truth Podcast, hosted by himself and fellow disclosure activist Aaron Kuhn. Together they have created a platform for discussing any and all "controversial" and eye opening topics without limitations in an effort to spread awareness to the masses.

    Tyler's journey began with a levitation experience shortly after his mother's passing in 2010 that ended with intense paralysis and visitation from "shadow people". This would lead to experiences with Inner Earth beings, Sasquatch, Greys, Reptilians and recruitment attempts into covert military programs. Tyler is currently in the process of retrieving suppressed memories from what he believes are from his involvement with agencies within the shadow government.

  • About Suzanne Spooner & Her Work

    Traveling the world and always returning to Iowa, USA, where I was born and raised, my story is just the human story: intense tragedy, exquisite joy, and a profound quest to understand the mystery of their shared source.

    Ever since I was a little girl I have wondered what life is all about, and how I fit in to the big picture.

    I'd look into the night sky and deeply want to know what was outside of where I could see and wondered how it all was made.

    In my early 20s my father, with whom I was very close, made the decision to end his life. In his absence, I looked for answers. I started to read books by Edgar Cayce and Shirley MacLain and others. I delved into the topic of past lives. I studied Reiki, and energy work.

    In 2009 I explored Spiritual Response Therapy, using charts and a pendulum to find and release negative thought patterns and replace them with positive and supportive ideas.

    Shortly thereafter a system of channeling came through me, called The Art of Universal Knowing℠ -- or TAUK® for short.

    I started teaching TAUK® in classes and one-on-one, then developed an online class that is widely used and successful. The process and results of TAUK® are repeatable and teachable -- and they clearly demonstrate that all answers lie within each of us if we have the desire to remember our connection to Source.

    In 2012 I took my first class in Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ (QHHT®) with Dolores Cannon and instantly felt a homecoming in her work and the results I saw on my friends and clients.

    Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠, like TAUK®, provides direct access to our inner answers in a beautifully simple way.

    As my QHHT® practice grew, I became a moderator of Dolores Cannon’s Official Worldwide Professional Support Forum for Practitioners and began assisting the great and humble Dolores in her classes in the United States and Australia. I’ve facilitated hundreds of QHHT® sessions and am always amazed and recharged after each session.

    To sit amongst the energy of a client’s High Self is like sitting in a bowl of love soup! I feel I have the best job in the universe(s)!

    Since Dolores’s passing in 2014 I have joined her daughter Julia, and others, to carry on Dolores’s amazing life work. It is a thrill to share the experience of QHHT® with my clients, to mentor and teach practitioners, and to keep exploring the multi-dimensionality that I wondered about as a little girl.

  • Hello, my name is Aron! How great it will be to spend time together again in "The Land of The Friendly People" Ihunktowan Oyate (Dakota Nation), Pickstown, SD for the 11:11 2024 Star Knowledge Conference- Ceremony of Ascension- Dancing with the Stars! I live in Heaven on Earth, Mount Shasta, CA and my bio is that I AM and so are YOU because we all bask in the The Great and Holy Spirit, The I AM Presence 24 hours a day forever, beating our hearts with that Golden Light, Love and Peace! All together in America and the World, we are The I AM Race. Let's discuss our very Life of Divine Love, Divine Star Knowledge Wisdom, Freedom and Forgiveness and remember who we are, children of the The Great Central Sun, the One Eternal Father, the Light that Lights every man that comes into the World, and children of our Precious Earthly Mother. In this Ceremony of Remembrance, let's acknowledge we are One Family in the Cosmic Christ (The Infinite Universe) with our Inter-Stellar Family of the Galactic Federation, The Grand Man. Our beautiful Unci Maka (Mother Earth) and our human civilization is just entering now into the Permanent Peace, Freedom, Victory and Light Liberation of Our Earth Star, like her big sister Venus. The Light of Wakan (Creator) HAS WON on, in and above our Pacha, Ina, Gaia Home and ALL opposition to this Great Transfiguration is being dissolved, broken and removed by selfless ones on our Earth, but especially by our Star Nations Family and Jesus Christ (Napi Zi, Morning Star, Immanuel), and those who serve with the Lord Himself, the Ascended Masters and Angelic Host and more. We will Resurrect from our collective prison planetary near-death experience we are currently going through, and our society will rapidly Ascend out of disease, discord and war into a healthy, abundant and free-energy world of an Ascended inter-planetary humanity. Can we ever be grateful enough to our Spiritual Tunkasila and ALL who have gotten us this far and gave their lives as a Give Away to help mend the Sacred Hoop for the Seventh Generation and Beyond and beyond? To this goal I AM dedicated and my gratitude especially includes our big hearted and courageous Ascended Chief Golden Light Eagle who chose not to fail the Tunkasila in bringing forth MAKA WICAHPI WICOHAN: UNIVERSAL AND SPIRITUAL LAWS OF CREATOR. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for every prayer, decree, fast, vision quest, sun-dance and sacrifice, and the humble part YOU have played in this Cosmic Accomplishment and Celebration of the Ages. Hang on tight, help is here. We are in this together. Thank you dear Nikki for taking up your Sacred Responsibility and following in you Father's footsteps. How proud you Dad and your Mom must be from above. Mitakuye Oyasin. Let Freedom Ring. God Bless Everyone.

  • LauraSa Pele Lafoia Ava

    Peace Partner & Mana Keeper

    Oceania Sister LauraSa Pele Lafoia Ava, Mana Keeper ~ LauraSa is a steward of Mother Earth, dedicated to causes that promote indigenous rights, Eco-justice, empowering women, education/nutrition of underprivileged children, strengthening families, and uplifting communities with her Peace Sundays Call To Action Broadcast Series ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution.”

    LauraSa serves as the Chair and Producer for Peace Sunday, Unity and Diversity World Council and it’s affiliates, One Global Family Foundation & Alliances and the international Councils of Interfaith & Indigenous Women-Youth where we will UNITE through WATER for Water Peace Project’s monthly water ceremony for peace every month on the 11th. To learn more about LauraSa’s great work please visit www.PeaceSundays.org

  • My name is Lelanya “Anela” Malulani Watson. People know me as “Anela”. My lineage comes from Hawaiian, Tahitian, European and African roots. I was raised on the island of O’ahu with an ancestral lineage stemming from, Tahiti, Ka’u on Moku ‘O Keawe (Hawai’i island) and Maui. These ancestral roots go back to generations of Kahuna Nui from both my grandfather (Hawaiian) and grandmother (Tahitian). I hold a strong lineage of wisdom that I receive through intuitive connection from my ancestors within the Spirit Realm.

    In 2016 I experienced a profound spiritual awakening. It was then that I started the journey of self-reflection and intense inner healing. While diving deep into self, I gained a profound connection to God/Source/Creator and my own I Am Presence. My life’s purpose began to manifest and I started to re-awaken to my spiritual abilities. Over the years I learned various healing modalities and techniques through vibration, energy, sound, crystals and meditation. As I began to practice these modalities, I created a unfathomable connection to my ancestors and Star Lineage. I was taught ancient healing techniques that were being channel through me during each session I facilitated. After fully surrendering to the guidance and teachings, I created my own modality called Ho’ola Loa.

  • Aloha, my name is ‘Be’Lynn Aquino Watson, born and raised on the island of O’ahu, Hawai’i. I am a daughter of Ilocano parents from the island of Luzon, Ilocos Sur, Philippines. Since my spiritual awakening, I am journeying through life as a student, learning from all of my experiences, awakening to the wisdom within. As a teacher, teaching self to make “choices” for my spiritual evolution and freedom. As I navigate life with an “awakened heart”, trusting inner guidance, my intuition “higher self”. I am connected to the Universe creating a reality of peace, harmony, joy, and unconditional love and much more. Ua ola loko i ke aloha “Love gives life within”.